Your Vitamix is always your best assistant for making dressing or sauce in a seconds when an ad-hoc party is coming.

Tofu Salad Dressing

Ingredients (3-4 servings)

Instant tofu 300g (1 small pack)
Egg 2 pcs
Onion ¼ pc
Lemon ½ pc
Salt 5g (1 teaspoon)
Brown sugar 15g (3 teaspoons)



  1. Wash eggs and onion with filtered water, peel onion;
  2. Place eggs into a pot of cold water and boil for 5 7 minutes;
  3. Place onion and boiled eggs into the Vitamix container and put the lid on;
  4. Start the machine on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to Variable 4;
  5. Run the machine for 10 seconds;
  6. Turn the speed from Variable 4 to 1, remove the lid plug, add the rest of all the ingredients through the lid plug opening, put the lid plug on, turn the speed from 1 to 6 and run the machine for 30 seconds.